Phantom Limb Pain Treatment

Phantom limb pain is difficult to explain, unless you’ve experienced it for yourself. In this article, we are going to cover a few of the treatment options for phantom limb pain, including what you can do if you are experiencing pain at the acute or chronic levels.

What causes phantom limb pain?

Phantom limb pain occurs after a limb has been amputated. While the limb itself is no longer there, the nerve endings attached to the limb continue to send pain signals to the brain, which in turn leads to the sensation of pain in the area of the amputated limb.

In some cases, the brain’s memory of the limb can be interpreted as pain signals, leading to acute or chronic pain in the area where a limb once was.

What are the symptoms of phantom limb pain?

The symptoms of phantom limb pain are straightforward and include:

  • pain in the area of an amputated limb
  • a feeling of hot or cold in the region
  • tingling in the area
  • cramping

And more. Essentially, any sensation or feeling you have of an amputated limb can be interpreted as phantom limb pain.

Treating phantom limb pain

Phantom limb pain is not easy to treat, and a variety of pain management techniques and treatments are typically combined until the desired result is achieved.

Here are a few of the treatments we offer our patients at The Pain Management Center:

  • Relaxation techniques
  • Psychotherapy
  • Massage and physical therapy
  • Steroid injections
  • Nerve block injections
  • Pain medications (used sparingly)
  • Electrical stimulation
  • Biofeedback
  • Mirror therapy

And more. Rest assured, if you are experiencing phantom limb pain, our doctors and team of medical professionals will work with you to develop a pain management and treatment plan to reduce your pain and help you get your life back.